Major Types Of Mobile (App) Analytics

In the fast-evolving realm of mobile applications, data is the lifeblood that fuels informed decision-making. Mobile app analytics empowers businesses to understand user behavior, optimize app performance, and enhance the overall user experience.

Within this landscape, Mobile Marketing Platforms (MMPs) emerge as indispensable allies, offering a comprehensive toolkit to harness the power of mobile app analytics.

In this blog, we delve into the major types of mobile app analytics, providing basic definitions and shedding light on how MMPs can drive business success through data-driven insights.

But first let’s learn

Mobile APP Analytics & MMPs Are They Related?

Yes, Mobile App Analytics (MAA) and Mobile Marketing Platform (MMPs) are closely related and synergistic. MAA involves tracking and analyzing user behavior within an app, providing valuable insights. MMPs, on the other hand, leverage these insights to optimize marketing strategies, track user acquisition, and attribute actions to specific campaigns. MMPs enhance personalized engagement through data-driven targeting, benefiting from MAA’s user insights. Together, they form a symbiotic relationship where MAA informs MMPs about user behaviors, enabling businesses to tailor marketing efforts effectively, resulting in enhanced user experiences and improved app performance.

Types of Mobile App Analytics

1. User Acquisition Analytics:

   User acquisition analytics focuses on understanding how users find and install your app. Key metrics include:

   – Install Attribution: Tracking the source of app installs, whether from organic searches, paid advertisements, social media, referrals, or other channels.

   – Install Rates: The percentage of users who install the app after encountering it.

2. User Engagement Analytics:

   User engagement analytics delve into user interactions within the app, providing insights into user behaviors and preferences. Key metrics encompass:

   – Session Length: The duration of time users spend in each session.

   – Session Frequency: The frequency at which users open the app.

   – Screen Views: The number of times users view specific app screens.

   – Events Tracking: Recording specific user actions, such as clicks, swipes, and interactions with features.

3. Retention and Churn Analytics:

   Retention and churn analytics focus on user loyalty and drop-off rates. Metrics include:

   – Retention Rate: The percentage of users who continue using the app over a specified time frame.

   – Churn Rate: The percentage of users who discontinue using the app during a given period.

4. In-App Purchase Analytics:

   In-app purchase analytics revolve around transactions and revenue generation. Key metrics encompass:

   – Conversion Rate: The percentage of users who make in-app purchases.

   – Average Revenue Per User (ARPU): The average revenue generated by each user.

5. Crash Reporting Analytics:

   Crash reporting analytics focus on identifying and resolving technical issues causing app crashes. Key metrics include:

   – Crash Rate: The frequency of app crashes per session or user.

6. Geolocation and Demographics Analytics:

   Geolocation and demographics analytics provide insights into user locations and characteristics. Metrics include:

   – Geographic Distribution: The geographical spread of your user base.

   – User Demographics: Information such as age, gender, and interests.

7. Funnel Analysis:

   Funnel analysis tracks user interactions along a specific path, such as completing a purchase or signing up. Metrics include:

   – Drop-off Points: Identifying stages where users abandon the intended action.

8. Attribution Analytics:

   Attribution analytics attribute user actions and events to specific marketing channels or campaigns. Metrics include:

   – Attribution Source: Determining which marketing efforts led to user actions.

Leveraging MMPs for Mobile App Analytics

Mobile Marketing Platforms (MMPs) serve as invaluable tools in harnessing the power of mobile app analytics for business success. Here’s how MMPs contribute:

1. Unified Data Collection: MMPs integrate with various analytics tools and channels, aggregating data from different sources into a single dashboard. This unified view facilitates a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and performance metrics.

2. Precise User Tracking: MMPs enable precise user tracking across multiple touchpoints, providing insights into user journeys and interactions. This information informs targeted marketing efforts and personalized user experiences.

3. Attribution and Campaign Tracking: MMPs excel in tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, attributing user actions to specific efforts. This allows businesses to optimize their marketing strategies and allocate resources effectively.

4. Cross-Platform Insights: MMPs provide insights into user behavior across different platforms and devices. This cross-platform visibility aids in tailoring experiences to user preferences and optimizing app performance.

5. A/B Testing and Optimization: MMPs facilitate A/B testing of marketing campaigns, enabling businesses to experiment with different strategies and measure their impact on user engagement and conversion rates.

6. Personalized Engagement: Utilizing data from analytics, MMPs enable businesses to deliver personalized messages, notifications, and offers to users, enhancing engagement and retention.

7. Real-time Analytics: MMPs often offer real-time analytics, allowing businesses to react promptly to changes in user behavior and app performance.


Mobile app analytics is a driving force behind business success in the competitive landscape of mobile applications. The major types of mobile app analytics, ranging from user acquisition to attribution, provide critical insights into user behavior, preferences, and app performance. To harness the full potential of these insights, Mobile Marketing Platforms (MMPs) play a pivotal role. By leveraging MMPs, businesses can collect, analyze, and interpret data from various sources, enabling them to make informed decisions, optimize marketing efforts, and deliver personalized experiences. In the era where data-driven insights steer the course of innovation, the collaboration between mobile app analytics and MMPs emerges as a strategic cornerstone for achieving sustainable business success. Embrace the power of data, partner with a reliable MMP, and steer your mobile app towards unprecedented heights of excellence.

Author: 9TP

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Digital Transformation, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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